Energy management in Helios

The Helios Group follows the guidelines for increasing energy efficiency and reducing environmental impacts. With the introduction of the EMS (Energy Management System), they wanted to upgrade the existing automation and production control system and, by integrating it with MES (Manufacturing Execution System), to reduce energy consumption in the production process. This investment makes it easier to comply with energy legislation, increase savings in the use of energy products, and thus improve the company's competitiveness on the market.

Energy management in Helios

Together with Kolektor Sisteh, they introduced the Energy Manager PRO (EnMPRO) system of the internationally recognized company Siemens, which brings: 

  • increased energy efficiency, transparency over a comprehensive energy management system,
  • implementation of energy monitoring, controlling and accounting,
  • optimal energy procurement, energy forecasts and environmental reporting (suppliers reward accurate forecasts).

The EMS enables the detection of potential savings, the determination of compliance with energy targets, the performance of benchmark comparisons, the comparison of costs and production, CO2 analyses and the preparation of balance sheets.

The program monitors information on maximum energy loads and provides suppliers with an energy plan for purchasing energy products, which performs tariff simulation.

Energy Manager PRO is certified to operate in accordance with the requirements of ISO 50001.

Together with Helios, we first analyzed the existing situation and compared it with the desired one. We included measurements from all production facilities and support facilities at locations Količevo and Preska into the EMS system.

We have achieved transparency of energy flows and energy costs, implementation of measures based on projected KPIs, optimized procurement of energy products, compliance with legal obligations, greater transparency of target values and the achievement of objectives, and increased awareness.

